Monday, March 5, 2007

Did You...?

Did you see the lunar eclipse? It had been three years since our last full lunar eclipse. What a wonderful sight to see. It happened Saturday night! There have been lots of fun pics to view taken by stargazers from all over the planet. While I must admit, our view here was limited, other places saw an extraordinary sight!

Did you know that that was not a freak of science. God says to us in HIS word that the heavens will show wonders of HIS "glory"? Just being able to view events like that creates such an awe of who GOD is! The Bible declares He is the GOD of all. There is none other that compares to HIM!

Did you know that as incredibly big as HE is He is still small enough to live in your heart? Did you know HE wants to live in your heart and and help you with your life? Did you know all you have to do is ask? Did you know He is waiting.......Right now?!!

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