Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Shabbach- to commend with a loud, exuberant voice. A riotous praise. Each year our youth group goes to a youth conference in Myrtle Beach. It is known as Shabbach Youth Conference. We always have lots of fun. It is so exciting to see when it clicks in people heads what is going on.

This was a way different year for me. Let's just say I have been to Heaven and back and Hell and back all in same weekend. Here is what I mean. The youth conference was the best yet since we have been attending. Great worship, preaching, and fellowship. We saw a young girl healed and lots of people set free and called into the ministry. There were several in our group who received callings in their life. On the other hand, I was sick the entire weekend. I developed the flu on Thursday prior to leaving. I was one miserable person for the most part. I am thankful I have such a wonderful wife and totally awesome youth sponsors who can pull their own weight and much more. They rose to the occasion and made the weekend a blast for everyone. I have them to be very thankful to. As a matter of fact, every student has sponsors JL,WL,JH, and GH to be thankful to. Thanks guys for doing a great job beyond the call of duty! Looking forward to Shabbach '08!

1 comment:

Meagan said...

Maybe next year I'll be able to go to that one!! lol Glad to hear it was great, sorry to hear you were sick. Glad you're getting better though!