Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dream Big'07

When I walked out of the Zone Saturday night, I could not believe Dream Big had come and gone. It was thrilling yet sad all at same time. It by far was the best one yet. From the opening Friday night until the last piece of pizza was eaten Saturday night was all good!

How can you put a price tag on the Spirit of the Lord showing up in 'da house! To see so many youth going after GOD with all their heart and soul. Glenn W was a hoot. Don't get me wrong, his word was anointed and right on time! As a matter of fact, lets kick some devil bootay! Jason K gets crazier ever time I see him. You ready to smash some idols?! Bring me that sledge hammer!

I am glad for you if you were there. You will always have the memory of what GOD did for you at Dream Big '07!

We have lots of things coming up...please remember Chucky this Friday the 10th and Remix in Seneca on the 25th.

Chasing Him,