Monday, July 30, 2007

I am like totally excited!

Yes, as a matter of fact I am totally excited. Dream Big '07 is like this week! It is going to be one of the best ever. I am so looking forward to hanging out with Glenn Walters, youth pastor from Ft. Mills South Carolina. As a youth group, we attend the Shabbach Youth Conference in Myrtle Beach that Glenn founded and directs. It has been a "big dream" of mine to have him here ministering in this house for a youth event!

It is also a wonderful privilege to have my brother with me on Saturday night! We will have two great Christian rock bands with us for our concert hour! Oh, and don't forget the Friday night "ice cream party" and Saturday afternoon Pizza party. It will be awesome! Looking forward to seeing you there! Time is running out, so get registered today at

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Moving Forward

Camping season has come and gone. Uprising is a thing of the past even though GOD moved greatly. State Convention is now history! And, Forward 07 is set in stone! All of these events will have memories attached with them forever. That is the way it should be! That is why we have the stories in the Old Testament. They remind us where we come from and challenge us to move forward.We should hang on to the memories while leaning forward. That is the way GOD thinks! HE is a forward thinker.

It is so exciting to see and hear people on fire for GOD! Let's keep it going. When we see someone losing that zeal, let's surround him or her like the eagle does their own until that person is refilled. We are FORWARD-ites!

Pursuing HIM,